24 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi

Keanu Reeves Confirms ‘The Matrix’ Sequels In Development

Keanu Reeves Confirms ‘The Matrix’ Sequels In Development

It should come as no surprise that there are plans for a fourth and fifth Matrix movie. Besides the fact that combined with merchandising and home media sales the movies are money-makers, the development of the 3D filming tech adopted by James Cameron and the recent release of Tron: Legacy (sequel to a movie that was one of many influences on The Matrix) make it a prime time for the Wachowski Brothers to reignite their Matrix saga. In short, it’s good timing.

Keanu Reeves confirmed the development during a Q&A session in London when he stated that the Wachowski Brothers have finished work on a two-film script treatment for The Matrix sequels. AICN posted the details of Keanu’s speech, in which they went on to say:
Says the brothers have met with Jim Cameron to discuss the pros and cons of 3D and are looking to deliver something which has never been seen again. Keanu stated that he still has an obligation to the fans to deliver a movie worthy of the title “The Matrix” and he swears this time that the treatment will truly revolutionize the action genre like the first movie.
The news and confirmation that new Matrix movies are in development is going to fuel a lot of mixed reactions from fans. For every fan that loves all three current films, there’s another who hates the sequels. It’s going to be interesting seeing the reactions as more news develops on the Matrix series.

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